Free clip art photo portraits I just *have* to do one of these myself… Photos of Jakob Nielsen
Free clip art photo portraits I just *have* to do one of these myself… Photos of Jakob Nielsen
A Topic Maps Wiki!! Jeez, the second good one from Peter Van Dijck in the same week: Easy Topic Maps
We’re all lucky that Lou Rosenfeld isn’t a 7th day adventest, or we may have had to wait an extra day for this introspective take on how to select components for the initial design of a web site Bloug Entry (Dec 16, 2001) Selecting IA ComponentsĀ©
New to Topic Maps? The concepts of this rather heady new standard are gently explained here: Understanding Topic Maps
A dandy study, though probably needs revisiting. Miner’s “Body Ritual among the Nacirema”
Reducing reliance on superstition Then an article which tears that concept up a bit. Thanks to Naomi B. Robbins for the link to that one! Human Factors International–ensuring usability through software ergonomics, human factors and design artistry
How many things can you remember at once? Figured a link to the original (1956) research work which told us we could only hope to remember a phone number. The Magical Number Seven
Sitemaps and Metadata it all started with a conversation on the Information Design Cafe list about numbers of interface elements, the lucky number 7, and navigation directions. The next thing I knew I was goin ghtrough old links on site mapping techniques and ran accross this… Information Technology and Libraries vol.18, no.4 Visualization of Metadata
Interview with world famous author OK, my brother got interviewed by TradeStation Zone Dot Com where he talks about his book Ask Mr. EasyLanguage, emerging developments in trading software and the role of consultants. Read the interview, NOW : Interview with Samuel K. Tennis [FTR, I’m linking to the actual article as their’s stupid