Winning the Mobile Speed to Market and Maintenance
Early mobile platform benefits from early user research, rapid prototyping and standards compliant development
Mobile Product Design
When a Large National Bank chose to enter the mobile market, I was chosen to partner with the product development team, the wireless solutions technology team and the user experience executives to craft an experience that would deliver an optimal set of tasks.
The final decision was to go with the broader delivery solution, a decision that paid off when devices such as the iPhone and Android began to come on the scene, as it allowed almost immediate repackaging of the feature set via device specific re-skinning.
The Solution
User interviews surfaced a set of tasks most important to users of mobile devices and this list was used to inform early product decisions and drive requirements. Several rapid series of prototype and usability tests helped develop a set of design guidelines in a day (2005) when mobile best practices were in their infancy.
Strategic trade-offs were made between the development of a custom application for a narrow set of devices or delivery of standard HTML markup through a translation layer to deliver to a broader set of devices.